Best places for free moving boxes
Congratulations on your new home! Now that you’re moving, you have a million and one things to think about and prepare for. Like renting...
5 simple steps to finding the perfect apartment
Finding the right apartment can be rough, particularly if you're moving to a new city or area for the first time. But it doesn't have...
Moving from a dorm to an apartment: 5 things to leave...
A dorm is a good primer for life outside your parent's house. But the real pinnacle of adulting comes when you move into your...
How to make your studio apartment feel bigger
A studio apartment is many things. It can be the first taste of freedom for a post-grad or an affordable lived-in home for a...
3 ways to build your credit without a credit card
It’s easy to ignore your credit score if you’re not currently in the midst of a big life event like buying a house or...
Best (removable) home tech for your apartment
As a veteran renter and avid internet shopper, I've spent many hours looking at home tech like smart locks and alarm systems that could...
Renting your first apartment? 5 tips for the first time renter
When I moved into my first apartment, I had no idea what to expect. I was excited to live on my own, but soon...
5 things you need in your small bathroom
At Rentler we spend a lot of time reading about the rental industry and bookmarking products we've stumbled across that are genius for small...
5 perks of living in a studio apartment
You're already more adept than Marie Kondo at paring down your stuff.
If you live in 250 square feet of space, you probably don't...
How to pay rent when you’ve blown your monthly budget
The scenario is simple. It’s usually not your fault. You were too nice. You wanted to help someone. Okay, fine. Maybe you weren’t bailing...
2017 Resolutions for Your Rental
Whether or not you believe in making resolutions at the start of a new year, sometimes it just feels good to sit down and set...
The Buy vs Rent Dilemma
Let me guess. Commitment problems? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Or is it the significant price difference? The location? I know, I know......