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Tag: Creative Solutions

Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool

As amazing as the sun can feel after a long winter, there's a point when summer comes and cold air sounds better. The summer...

How to Grow Food In Your Apartment

I could dream about having a garden all day long (especially when I'm watching the Netflix series Cooked and listening to Michael Pollan tell...

Tips for Raising Kids in a Rental

More families than ever are choosing to live in an apartment, even with children. Renting a place can give you flexibility, the opportunity to...

Question of the Day: Would You Do This?

Would you ever transform a closet into a bedroom? As rent increases in popular cities like NYC, many families are trying to utilize any...

How to Keep Your Apartment Cool

Summer is the best. Except when you don't have air conditioning in your four story walk-up and you spend those hazy summer nights Googling,...

Decorating your Small Rented Space

Decorating a rented home is never an easy task. Part of your budget goes to regular monthly rent payments and there are always a...

8 Tips for DIY Balcony Gardening

A garden balcony can give you endless hours of serene pleasure, and the nice thing about such a haven is the fact that you...

Try This: Creating Studios From Shipping Containers

For tenants, renting an apartment or a house can mean giving up some things you previously considered default – a TV, dishwasher, washing machine,...