Moving to a new home is one of those things that we all groan at the thought of. Moving can be stressful, complicated, and if moving to a new city or state entirely, can seem terrifying. Doing a solo move may be simpler, but if you’ve got a partner or family to add to the mix, it complicates things even more. Because there are so many things to consider when moving, it’s easy to overlook a few details. To make sure you cover all your bases, here are some tips from professionals on how to plan and prepare for your move. 

Consider Traffic

“Traffic might be one of the reasons you’re thinking about moving. If you’re moving to be closer to work, consider the commute you’ll be doing from your new home. If your commute will be long, you should look into public transportation options available in the area. Do your research to find the most convenient option for you to avoid traffic during rush hour. However, if you’re tired of traffic you might want to consider moving to a more rural location. In rural areas, there might be a longer commute to work but with less traffic.”

– Rich Rudzinski, Founder and Technical Strategist for, Tragic Media, and

Consider Your Pets

“Depending on your move, it may or may not be difficult to either transport or take your pets with you. Of course, local moves are far easier logistically than long-distance moves. There may be rules and regulations regarding pets in your new residence and it’s also important that you take your pet to get a check-up and retrieve any records that you may need for the move. Consider any logistics surrounding your pet as well – it is easy to transport your animal if you are relocating by car, but you may have to pay extra fees if you are moving by air or if you are using a pet transportation service.”

– Joe Spector, CEO and Founder of Dutch

Ask for Help

“Moving can be exciting, but it can also be incredibly stressful. Don’t be afraid to ask family or friends for assistance with the process. Talking to them about your move preparation and planning and getting feedback wouldn’t hurt. Friends and family are usually willing to lend a helping hand. Give your friends or family a heads up of when your moving day is so that they are ready and able to help. If it is in your budget, you can also consider hiring a couple of movers to help you get your items safely to your new place. Your overall moving experience will be much smoother with more hands on deck.”

– Himanshu Agarwal, SVP of Solutions for WorkBoard

Figure Out Your Healthcare

“If you are planning a move to another state, or even another country, you’ll need to take a fresh look at healthcare, finding all the doctors, dentists, and other healthcare providers that you and your family will need when living in the new location. You should be sure to investigate the different healthcare systems that exist in your new location and figure out what the costs of these typically are, allowing you to correctly estimate the prices of healthcare while learning about the quality of physicians. The internet is full of resources and informative reviews on all thing’s healthcare, and, if needed, you can always reach out to friends, colleagues, or neighbors for healthcare referrals and advice.”

– Chris Hunter, Director of Customer Relations at ServiceTitan

Let Someone Else do the Heavy Lifting 

“When it comes to moving, there is typically a lot of stress involved. As you pack drawer by drawer, room by room, things tend to take a little longer than most of us would like. That is why it is important to have someone else do the heavy lifting for you. At the end of the day, you will be mentally drained, potentially overwhelmed and physically fatigued no matter the size of the move. Hiring a moving company allows you to avoid potential injury, move efficiently, and have peace of mind that everything will be taken care of safely and professionally.”

-Tom Mumford, Co-founder of Undergrads

At the end of the day, we all know how moving can be! Physically and mentally exhausting to say the least, however, it will all be worth it in the end if you are in a new place that makes you happy! Hopefully, these tips help give a piece of mind and provide the best ways to move with ease.

Amanda Mears
Amanda has worked as a journalist, an SEO copywriter, and a social media specialist. Her aim as a Four Walls contributor is to provide something worth reading and create a community for people who lease and love it. She’s also a real person, not just a mysterious internet writer, who loves silversmithing, podcast-binging, and trying to figure out how to fix her rented apartment’s bad linoleum floor (see, just like you!)