At Rentler we spend a lot of time reading about the rental industry and bookmarking products we’ve stumbled across that are genius for small bathrooms. Here are a few of the things we’ve been testing out and loving.

Toothbrush sanitizer

Awhile ago I read about how germs from a toilet can spread easier in a small bathroom and ever since then I have been properly horrified by how close my toothbrush is to my sink in my cramped little bathroom.

This toothbrush sanitizer solves the problem and takes up a tiny amount of space.

Corner shelf

Pottery Barn’s new small spaces collection has a lot of items worth checking out, but I really liked the idea of this corner shelf for a bathroom because you can use it to squeeze every last drop of available space. I want to use it to replace the ugly white plastic corner shelves on a tension rod that currently reside in my shower.

Tub shroom

Through my years of renting I’ve noticed that most old (i.e. affordable) apartments have tubs with a swirling black hole for a drain. If you’re living life without one of those fancy drain stoppers, this weird little “tub shroom” is key. It traps hair to prevent clogs and is easy to clean

Drain snake

If you DO happen to get a clog, however, having a drain snake handy can fix it without using chemicals that might corrode the metal on your fixtures and the old pipes in your building.

Sink shelves

Pedestal sinks are popular in tiny bathrooms, but they lack the storage space of a traditional vanity. To give yourself a few more places to stash stuff, pick up two of these triangle-shaped shelves that were made specifically to go under a sink.

Amanda Mears
Amanda has worked as a journalist, an SEO copywriter, and a social media specialist. Her aim as a Four Walls contributor is to provide something worth reading and create a community for people who lease and love it. She’s also a real person, not just a mysterious internet writer, who loves silversmithing, podcast-binging, and trying to figure out how to fix her rented apartment’s bad linoleum floor (see, just like you!)