Let There Be Light in your Rental

Moody indoor ambiance has a time and a place, but you don't always want it to be dark when you're trying to rent to someone. If...

Question of the Day: Would You Do This?

Would you ever transform a closet into a bedroom? As rent increases in popular cities like NYC, many families are trying to utilize any...

How to Keep Your Apartment Cool

Summer is the best. Except when you don't have air conditioning in your four story walk-up and you spend those hazy summer nights Googling,...

Decorating your Small Rented Space

Decorating a rented home is never an easy task. Part of your budget goes to regular monthly rent payments and there are always a...

Cleaning Green: Part 2

In case you missed part one, I'm testing out natural house cleaning supplies to see what works and what doesn't. This time around I focused...

Cleaning Green: Part One

One day as I was hunched over my tub, spraying heavy-duty bleach cleaner without a care in my small apartment bathroom that has no windows, the thought...

Sleep Well: How New Mattress Companies Are Delivering

Moving into an old building has perks like interesting architecture and historical charm, but it can lead to modern-day frustrations. This becomes pretty obvious as...

8 Tips for DIY Balcony Gardening

A garden balcony can give you endless hours of serene pleasure, and the nice thing about such a haven is the fact that you...

A Plant Guide for Apartment Problems

Winter is always long, and by time March rolls it’s nice to have something to remind you that the dead, frozen landscape won’t last...

3 Tips When Moving In with a Stranger

If you're a renter, at some point you'll likely move in with a stranger. Ideally your new roommate will be delightful and result in...

How To: Soundproof Your Apartment

Nothing can make you despise your rental quicker than excessive noise. Like when you discover you have the kind of neighbors who do intense cardio at...

4 New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

Do you still make resolutions on New Year's Day? Even though I know the chance of them sticking is very slim, the organized list-making side...
There's a smarter way to rent.

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