From Tenant with Love: Small Gestures that Show Landlord You Care
As a tenant, it can be easy to forget that your landlord is also a human being who appreciates feeling appreciated. Building...
Cleaning Green: Part One
One day as I was hunched over my tub, spraying heavy-duty bleach cleaner without a care in my small apartment bathroom that has no windows, the thought...
3 Huge Space Saving Hacks for Small Space Nurseries
Are you renting an apartment or small home and expecting a child? If so, you may be asking yourself, where will all that stuff...
How Color Affects Your Home. Anti-Flash White
While we don't like to pick favorites, there's one room type that always makes our design hearts flutter: an All-White interior. While...
A Simple Fix for Annoying Cabinets
This blog post might seem kind of random, but I recently fixed a problem that has been plaguing my apartment for months and thought it...
Getting Acclimated to Your New Community
Whether you moved a few miles away or crossed the country, getting used to a new community isn’t always easy when you...
Roommate Survival Guide: Managing Conflict and Creating a Healthy Living Space
Are you sharing your rental space with a roommate who consistently bothers you, shows disrespect, or invades your personal space? Every home...
The Ultimate Guide to Moving with Your Dog
Moving with your dog requires careful planning to make sure they feel comfortable and at ease throughout the process. Dogs can be...
20 Ideas for Sending Neighbors Valentine’s Day Love
Valentine's Day is not only about romantic relationships, but also about showing appreciation for those we live with, including our roommates. Living...