Articles for Tenants

Rental life can be stressful, we're here to help. In the tenants section of Four Walls you'll find temporary home decor ideas, tips for negotiating with your landlord, and more.

Purrfect Moves: Tips for Moving to a New Apartment with Your...

Although cats are creatures of habit and prefer to stick to familiar environments, sometimes we have to move and bring our feline...

Tips for a Healthy Living Environment in Your Rental

Living in a rental can be challenging when it comes to creating a healthy living environment. However, with a few simple tips...

5 Smart Solutions for Organizing Your Small Kitchen

If you have a small kitchen, keeping it organized can be a challenge. But fear not, with a few simple solutions, you...

The Tenant’s Guide: 10 Questions to Ask Your Landlord Before You...

As a tenant, you want to make sure you are moving into a property that meets your needs and expectations. To ensure...

Is February a Good Time to Move into a New Rental...

If you're planning to move into a new rental home, it's important to find a quality apartment at an affordable price. The...

From Tenant with Love: Small Gestures that Show Landlord You Care

As a tenant, it can be easy to forget that your landlord is also a human being who appreciates feeling appreciated. Building...

How to Get an Apartment With No Credit?

Renting an apartment can be a daunting task, especially for those with little to no credit history. Landlords and property managers often...

The Perfect Apartment Based on Your Zodiac Sign. Part 2

Are you a Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces looking for the perfect apartment? Your zodiac sign may have some influence...

First-Time Renter Checklist: 10 Things To Follow For Success

Renting an apartment or house for the first time can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. To make the process as smooth...
There's a smarter way to rent.
There's a smarter way to rent.

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